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Diamondback Terrapins and Derelict Crab Traps

I recently participated in the 68th Annual meeting of the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission. During this meeting a half day session on diamondback terrapins and crab traps was held. To discuss the interactions between terrapins and crab traps invited speakers included Ms. Christina Mohrman (GoM Alliance), Mr. Rick Burris (MDMR), Dr. Julie Lively (LSU AgCenter), Dr. Willem Roosenburg (Ohio University), Dr. Ryan Gandy (FWC), Mr. Thomas Mohrman and Myself. Each of these presenters discussed aspects of terrapin ecology and made the case for how the crabbing industry can work to reduce terrapin mortality. Following these presentations representative from each U.S. Gulf Coast state presented the current status of research and regulations. Interestingly, Mr Jeffery Marx of Louisiana repeatedly called for the need of additional population studies within Louisiana's fisheries basins.

The full session is available at

Terrapins and Crab Traps

Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission · 68th Annual Meeting

Battle House Renaissance Hotel · Mobile, Alabama

October 18, 2017 · 8:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

In an effort to improve communication with the Diamondback Terrapin research community and to work to change the narrative and approach to terrapin recovery, the GSMFC is hosting a special session to address these gaps in communication on Wednesday morning, October 18. Several presentations will be made by both members of the DTWG and the Commission’s Crab Subcommittee. It is hoped that more coordinated research will take place in the future, utilizing the working knowledge of the Subcommittee to meet the research needs of the DTWG. Through collaboration, we will begin to change the tone regarding interactions between terrapins and the Gulf’s crab industry.


8:00 Welcome and Overview – Ms. Christina Mohrman (GoM Alliance)

8:10 Encouraging Fisheries Cooperation in Conservation of the Diamondback Terrapin in Mississippi – Mr. Rick Burris (MDMR)

8:30 Evaluation of Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) Nesting Ecology throughout Coastal Louisiana – Dr. Steven H. Pearson (LDWF)

8:50 Bycatch in the Commercial Blue Crab Fishery in Louisiana – Dr. Julie Lively (LSU AgCenter)

9:10 Terrapin Surveys and TEDs in Florida – Dr. Willem Roosenburg (Ohio Univ.)

9:30 FWC Hotspot Mapping and Monitoring using FID – Dr. Ryan Gandy (FWC)

9:50 Break

10:15 Regional Overview of Current Terrapin Collaboration – Mr. Thomas Mohrman (TNC)

10:45 Current Crab Research and Regulations Related to Reducing Terrapin Interactions

TX – Mr. Glen Sutton

LA – Mr. Jeffrey Marx

MS – Mr. Rick Burris

AL – Mr. Jason Herrmann

FL – Dr. Ryan Gandy

11:30 Working Together in the Future – Ms. Christina Mohrman (GoM Alliance)

11:45 Adjourn

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